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RV 1.45.1

Rig Ved 1.45.1 अनुदान (Grant) means a special type of favour. Charity is a common sort of thing given to anyone. But अनुदान (Grant) is a...

RV 1.44.14

Rig Ved 1.44.14 Here Marudgans are requested to listen to best divine strotras. We have five Gyanendriya, five Karmendriya, Chitta, Mind,...

RV 1.44.13

Rig Ved 1.44.13 Here it is requested that Mitra dev, the one who is our well wisher, Aryama who regularises everything and Agnidev, all...

RV 1.44.12

Rig Ved 1.44.12 Here there is a very divine prayer when Agnidev is called a Priest. It means that like him we should also do good deeds...

RV 1.44.11

Rig Ved 1.44.11 Here Hota means one who accepts. So here Agnidev is Hota, चित्त (State of Mind), विप्र (Brahmin) and Parmatma. Although...

RV 1.44.10

Rig Ved 1.44.10 Now that the morning Sun is shining, the arkness or ignorance has gone. Sushupti has replaced awakening(To understand...

RV 1.44.8

Rig Ved 1.44.9 When the person becomes enabled through साधन चतुष्ट्य (To understand साधन चतुष्ट्य read the previous mantra 👉...

RV 1.44.8

Rig Ved 1.44.8 Here it means that night is over now is the time to make arrangements. Those who possess the resources, they must have...

RV 1.44.7

Rig Ved 1.44.7 Here Hota means the one who accepts everything that is offered to him. Here the hota(Agnidev) is so divine that he does...

RV 1.44.6

Rig Ved 1.44.6 Here youthful means fully illuminated Agnidev and morning denotes full illumination. Whenever anyone gets पूर्ण(complete)...

RV 1.44.5

Rig Ved 1.44.5 Here nothing else is needed when we remember Ishwar from our mind and intelligence, our heart becomes pure. He is...

RV 1.44.4

Rig Ved 1.44.4 Here one thing is said for all collectively that all of us aspire divinity. Our each step is in that direction. If one...

RV 1.44.3

Rig Ved 1.44.3 The yagya conducted during morning is supposed to be most divine. We pray and make offerings as the sunlight appears...

RV 1.44.2

Rig Ved 1.44.2 Agnidev is the priest or purohit of the devtas. He brings hit or benefit to Puur or whole universe. Secondly he is the...

RV 1.44.1

Rig Ved 1.44.1 Here Ushakaal means Prakash. Wherever there is Prakash all the ignorance goes away. In this illumination we can see all...

RV 1.43.9

Rig Ved 1.43.9 Here Surya was worshipped in the last mantras. Now we remember Chandrama. Chandrama stands for happiness and serenity. We...

RV 1.43.8

Rig Ved 1.43.8 Here it says that there are two types of people who can cause harm to your yagya. One are the misers who although have...

RV 1.43.7

Rig Ved 1.43.7 Here Parmatma is requested to take away our Dissatisfaction, Unfulfillment and Chaos. We aspire many materialistic things...

RV 1.43.6

Rig Ved 1.43.6 Cows, horses etc were the need of ancient times. In today's time the resources are different. In this modern time, be it...

RV 1.43.5

Rig Ved 1.43.5 Here the main focus is on Surya. It is the atma of this world. Life exists here because of Surya. It is the main source of...

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